Home News Woman complains about treatment by police, then chief releases video of arrest

Woman complains about treatment by police, then chief releases video of arrest


(full 30-minute video below article)

The police chief from Aransas Pass, Texas, took to social media defending an officer’s actions and his department’s procedures.

Chief Eric Blanchard said in a news release that both sides of the story need to be told … especially when the truth is being obscured.

The chief responded to a Facebook post from Katherine Bibb-Sachse claiming she was treated like a criminal, thrown in jail, searched for weapons and drugs and claims the department is, “chasing the wrong people.”

YouTube video

Sachse’s situation small speeding traffic stop took a turn for the worst when patrol officer Darrell Harvill stopped her for speeding on Harrison Blvd in Aransas Pass.

Sachse was pulled over and was cited for her speed. During routine checks by Officer Harvill, warrants were discovered for unpaid traffic tickets.


In a news release by the Chief on the Aransas Pass Police Website, Chief Blanchard outlines the events leading to the arrest, posts video from Harvill’s body cam, releases an audio transcript showing his attempt to resolve Sachse’s complaint in a professional manner, a copy of her arrest warrant, tow truck records and copies of her Facebook post.


Blanchard said in the release, “Sadly, Katherine decided to take to Facebook to share her experience. Granted, I understand her position. No one aside from career criminals seems to enjoy being arrested.”

The Chief explains he was tagged in the post and then responded, telling his department’s side of the story, but his comments were removed.

“I was tagged in her post and had to respond. After noticing my response, she removed it. In fact, other dissenting posts were also removed, be it by her or the original poster. Fortunately, I saved my response.”

The Chief writes in his release, “We understand that occasionally some aren’t happy with our efforts. And, some take to Facebook and try to spoil our diligent effort with slanted information. When we are right, I go to bat. When we are wrong, I stop at nothing to make it right and admit our wrong. There’s simply no other policy that works in Law Enforcement, nowadays.”

He says that even though he explained the situation and procedures, Sachse would not be satisfied, nor would she accept responsibility for failing to take care of her original speeding ticket, which had become a warrant.

As the Chief, he feels the public needs to know both sides of the story … especially in the current atmosphere filled with contentious attitudes toward police.

“I feel it’s important to share this publicly,” he writes. “The other side of this story needs to be told. It’s unfortunate that some will not accept responsibility and obscure the truth in their own favor. Divisive, negative rhetoric like this about good police officer conduct puts all police officers at risk.

Officers today have been targeted, injured and killed because fake news and bias, false narratives. Only after trying two times privately to resolve this matter, do I feel it’s important to make it public.”

The Chief closes with complimentary words for his force and says misinformation leads to safety concerns for the officers.Police

“We have a great department filled with good, hardworking officers and support staff. The last thing I want is for one of them to end up injured or killed because of inaccurate, incomplete information.”

YouTube video


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  1. Unfortunately we deal with this stuff all the time now with the its everyone else’s fault mentality this country has turned into. What Im most concerned about is what the hell is that Officer doing with the phone in his hands during the stop. That is the most unsafe and ridiculous way I have ever seen used to issue tickets. Please get rid of that system or at least train your Officers to only o that while in the car.

    • It’s obviously a mobile devise to run the drivers license and records check. I think that is a safer way than sitting in the car using the laptop. At the least he is not a sitting target. He would be able to throw the “phone”, as you put it, down and draw his weapon faster if she came out as a threat. I for one think it’s a great resource. I’m not a cop! Just a law abiding citizen!

  2. I am a retired police officer who completed a 35 years in the Royal Canadian Mounted Police. I reviewed both the Officer’s bodycam video and the recorded telephone call from the complainant and I will give you my 2 cents worth. The officer and his supervisor were very professional throughout their dealings with the complainant. She did not want to take responsibility for not dealing with the original ticket which led to the warrants being issued. None of this would have happened if she had paid for the ticket or taken the matter to court. I have dealt with many such complainants throughout my years as a traffic cops as well as a supervisor and it is unfortunate that people who have a little money, (drive expensive cars, have high profile jobs etc.) feel they should be treated differently than the rest of the world. This woman was arrogant, self richest but was processed through the system according to established policies and procedures. The officers showed her far more respect than she deserved. She needs to get her head out of the sand. I would have been proud to work with either of these officers and this police force. Keep up the good work and that you for keeping the roads safe.
    Retired Cpl. J.B. Parent

  3. Typical rich B who thinks the rules don’t apply to her! Then she wanted to act all sweet and innocent on FB! Idiot

  4. She said she was 20mph. Then later said she was using cruise control. Cruise control doesn’t work under 25 mph. It’s hard to keep those lies straight.

  5. Just step up and take responsibility for your actions and quit whining about how you were mistreated. I received a ticket as a teenager and was more responsible than this woman. I was courteous to the officer…he was just doing his job. And I paid the ticket out of my part-time job paycheck. My parents didn’t even know until my driver’s license were returned by mail and mom got the mail before I could, so I had to fess up.

    Grow up, lady. And be thankful. If you had continued to speed and had hit someone it would have been even worse…could have been an injury or worse that you would have been responsible for.

  6. As a retired Law Enforcement Officer and Instructor I can say the Officers did it by the book and extended pleasantries that are not required; but, come from a good Officers caring heart.

    Retired Texas Peace Officer, Jim

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