Home News Vievu body cams pulled from NYPD officers after one explodes while being...

Vievu body cams pulled from NYPD officers after one explodes while being worn



Talk about an “explosive account”- the NYPD have pulled 2,990 Vievu body cameras after one exploded while a Staten Island officer was wearing it.

The camera -a LE-5 model- began smoking before it exploded, eventually detaching itself from the officer and catching fire after it hit the ground.

According to the Daily Mail, the LE-5s have since been pulled, with Police Commissioner James O’Neill saying the recall was one of caution, and that all officers with LE-5s are to return them to their respective commands at once.

Mayor Bill de Blasio announced that the 34,000-member NYPD will be issued over 20,000 cameras by the end of the year.

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