Home News Video: SC police officer rescues intoxicated man from burning car

Video: SC police officer rescues intoxicated man from burning car


In Mount Pleasant, South Carolina, a police officer’s dashboard camera caught the fast and selfless actions of Cpl. Adam Willis early Saturday morning.

As shown in the video, Officer Willis ran towards a burning car in a parking lot with a fire extinguisher in hand. As he began to douse the flames engulfing the car, he quickly noticed a man sitting in the driver’s seat.

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According to ABC News, Willis said, “I saw an arm holding the steering wheel, I reached in… I thought to myself, ‘Please, just be alive.’”

Willis then reached into the car and helped the man escape. The fire department told him that the man might have died had he been in the car for just a couple more minutes.

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Public Information Officer Chip Googe told ABC News that Cpl. Adam Willis is “probably one of the most active and productive officers we have. We’re just very proud of him risking his own life in defense of somebody else.”

According to police, the man was extremely intoxicated and did not remember what happened.

Officer Willis said the man was hospitalized as a precaution, but had no signs of injuries. The cause of the fire is still under investigation.

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