Cars were backed up for miles on a UK highway after a woman tried to jump off a bridge. When one police officer decided to snap a selfie in the middle of it all, he received a bit of backlash on social media.
Officials say the 19-mile long traffic jam on the M5 was caused by a woman who tried to take her own life. The 25-year-old had reportedly threatened to jump off a bridge near Wellington in Somerset, the Telegraph reported.
Devon and Cornwall Police Sgt. Harry Tangye tweeted out a photo of himself from the scene, with the huge bottleneck behind him.
“Sorry guys and girls, someone threatening to jump off bridge, but now off and traffic moving,” he wrote.
Some thought his remarks were a bit insensitive. One person wrote: “You were that concerned with the situation you thought that a selfie would help?”
Tangye, who sent the tweet after the woman was brought to safety, later apologized saying he did not mean to offend anyone by it.
Other Twitter users expressed support for the officer saying: “Never apologize for what you do Harry, you make a difference in this topsy-turvy world.”
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