Home News U.S. state Department deputy spokesperson has said police are biggest national security...

U.S. state Department deputy spokesperson has said police are biggest national security threat

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The woman who has been named the US State Department’s deputy spokesperson by the Biden Administration has gone on record to say that American police are the biggest threat to national security.

In in 2016 Facebook post, Jalina Porter claimed that police -who in her eyes, were the number-one threat to black Americans- were the largest security threat to the US overall.

“The largest threat to US national security are US cops,” Porter wrote. “Not ISIS, not Russian hackers, not anyone or anything else.”

The rest of Porter’s statement was somewhat alarmist and spelled doom for roughly thirteen percent of the US population.

“If ya’ll don’t wake up and rise up to this truth, the genocide against Blacks in America will continue until we are near extinct,” Porter said. “That’s not the world I seek to live in or create for myself and those around me.”

The comments surrounded the shooting of Terence Crutcher, who was killed in Oklahoma in 2016.

According to Fox News, the US State Department has yet to comment on the matter.


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