Home News Tennessee trooper arrested, fired after pulling man’s mask off

Tennessee trooper arrested, fired after pulling man’s mask off


One confrontation led to a Tennessee State Trooper’s arrest and firing after he was caught on camera ripping off a man’s face mask after a confrontation outside the state capitol.

According to the NY Post, Trooper Harvey Briggs has been charged with assault after the August 10th incident.

Four days later, the 22-year-veteran was fired by the Department for “unprofessional conduct.”

In the video, a man begins walking over to a traffic stop that’s being conducted. As he’s filming you can see Trooper Briggs angrily stop the man and demand that the man not “impede” the traffic stop as it’s being conducted.

The man says he’s walking on a public sidewalk, is within his right to film, and was not preventing the officers from performing their tasks.

The two exchange some heated words and then Briggs is caught on video ripping the face mask off the man.

Briggs then accuses the man on lying.

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