Home News Sovereign citizen looking up legal advice during traffic stop gets removed from...

Sovereign citizen looking up legal advice during traffic stop gets removed from locked vehicle


A “Sovereign Citizen” from Arkansas was arrested in Tahlequah, Oklahoma for belligerent behavior during a traffic stop- and his sophomoric antics will soon be on national TV.

Tahlequah Police took Price Rowe into custody on April 20th, after the irate “Sovereign Citizen” threw a tantrum over being stopped for a seatbelt violation.

Documented in body cam footage released by TPD, Rowe refused to accept the officers’ authority, locked himself inside his car, and started using legal jargon and phrases as he refused to provide the officer his ID.

After about 15 minutes worth of bickering, a TPD officer begged Rowe to let him write a ticket so he could leave.

Eventually, Tahlequah Fire showed up and broke out the windows to Rowe’s car, which allowed police to take him into custody for resisting arrest and obstructing an officer.

According to FOX 23, the footage will be featured on A&E’s Live PD.

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  1. What an idiot. The only thing that he proved was that fire departments carry more effective tools for breaking windows than the police do.

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