Shooting suspect escapes back of cop car before being tackled by police


    A man who was reported to be involved in a Manhattan shooting has been captured after attempting to escape through the window of a NYPD cruiser.

    The dramatic event took place on Monday, right in front of an ABC7 cameraman, who captured the incident on film.

    28-year-old Raymond Johnson amazingly managed to escape from the back of a police car while in handcuffs, taking off with speed as he tried to evade police.

    His flight was short-lived, however, and he soon found himself dogpiled by several of New York’s Finest.

    Johnson was carried away by authorities, and was charged with attempted murder, assault, criminal possession of a weapon, resisting arrest and escape.

    27-year-old Joshua Wiley was shot at the location, but not before picking up a firearm and opening fire as well. He is expected to survive the wound and is currently facing two counts of criminal possession of a weapon and reckless endangerment.

    According to ABC7, two other men were arrested on scene, and a firearm has yet to be recovered.

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