Home News Security guard pulls gun after being mugged by two men outside a...

Security guard pulls gun after being mugged by two men outside a McDonald’s


A security guard outside a Chicago McDonald’s was attacked by two men and was forced to draw his gun to stop the attack.

The security guard did not fire at the two men, who walked away.

According to CBS Chicago, police do not have a report about the incident.

In the video you can see the guard’s head get smashed against a brick wall, and one of the men reaches for a can of pepper spray before he sees the gun and runs away.

People inside the fast-food restaurant watched in horror and started to scream when the security guard pulled out his weapon.

It’s unclear what started the fight, but that specific location does have a history of disturbances.

In the last 30 days, police have been called there 35 times. Nine times for batters and three other times for assaults.

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