Home News San Francisco approves ‘Mario Woods Remembrance Day,’ to honor violent criminal, gang...

San Francisco approves ‘Mario Woods Remembrance Day,’ to honor violent criminal, gang member, who was killed by police


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In an outrageous move by the city, the San Francisco Board of Supervisors has unanimously approved a day to honor Mario Woods, who was shot and killed by police in December.

Mario Woods however was a gang member with an extremely violent criminal past, including armed robbery, attempted armed robbery, driving a stolen car and possession of firearm by a felon, according to court records and a report by SF Weekly.

Even the incident in which he was shot and killed by police doesn’t portray him as a sympathetic figure, much less deserving of a day in his honor.

Mario Woods. Credit: Facebook
Mario Woods. Credit: Facebook

Woods had slashed a stranger with a kitchen knife and refused to drop it when confronted by police at a bus stop. Police say they fired “four nonlethal beanbag rounds at him and tried using pepper spray, but that Woods would not surrender,” according to the SF Gate.  After refusing to drop the knife as he began to walk towards one of the officers, police opened fire, killing him.

Naturally, the police union is furious.  In a letter to the Board of Supervisors , the Police Officers Assoc. noted that three officers had been killed on the job in the last 12 years – but had no day designated in their honor. The police union vice president said about Tuesday’s resolution that it “only politicizes a tragedy and does not engage us in a meaningful dialogue, but instead assuages blame and lack of understanding of what men and women of this department do every day to keep our city safe.”

Also this week, SF Mayor Ed Lee asked the federal Justice Department to look into the Woods killing and other SFPD use of force policies.


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  1. I understand that it’s hard to leave a dept after being there for years, and the pay plus benefits are great, but who really wants to work in such a hostile environment? No backing from the administration from the mayor on down.

    • I agree w/above statement, why in hell would anyone want to be a LEO in any city such as SF, FUrgeson, Mo. Baltimore, Chicago Etc. that hate them and coddle the criminals ? Resign, move and go somewhere where you are needed and appreciated. Believe me, in a short time they will be begging you to come back.

  2. This is ABSOLUTELY DISGUSTING! When is it going to stop that we praise POS THUGS? He would be alive today if he just followed officers commands. Instead he chose a life of Crime. This is ridiculous that this is even being considered. San Francisco should be ashamed! Officers are losing their lives and idiots want to glorify and praise criminals! WTF

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