Home News Protestors at teachers union-funded group’s rally unveil “ALL COPS ARE BASTARDS” banner

Protestors at teachers union-funded group’s rally unveil “ALL COPS ARE BASTARDS” banner


YouTube video

By Brett Gillin

Anti-police protests continue throughout the United States, and for the most part, they’re unremarkable. So long as the protests are peaceful and not overly-offensive, it seems that even police officers are able to shrug them off these days. But when offensive signs and chants are involved, it tends to get more attention, and when reports come out that tax-dollars may be being used to help fund these protests, well, it just might make your blood boil.

An event earlier this week in Madison Wisconsin, organized by Wisconsin Jobs Now, protestors gathered to demonstrate against racial injustice, with police officers as the major focus their conversations. Wisconsin Jobs Now, according to their website, is committed to five major goals, including higher wages, improved working conditions, healthy and secure neighborhoods, grassroots leadership, and “elevating the political voice of underrepresented communities.” It is also worth noting that according to this article in the Daily Caller, Wisconsin Jobs Now received a grand total of $125,000 in reported funding last year, every penny of which coming from The National Education Association, the largest teachers union in the U.S.

While many might argue that police officers would be an extremely important part the groups stated goals of healthy and secure neighborhoods and could certainly use improved working conditions, the rally had a decidedly anti-police tone. That tone was taken to a new level when a black banner with glittery letters made an appearance.

Amidst chants of “Hey-hey, ho-ho, these racist cops have got to go,” two protestors marched with a sign reading “ALL COPS ARE BASTARDS.” As you can see in this video, the black banner for some reason is painted with glittery letters, and it seems like a cat it saying “ALL COPS ARE BASTARDS.”

This protests happened just days after a Madison police officer shot and killed a man that allegedly attacked him. Despite media reports, such as this one from the Milwaukee-Wisconsin Journal Sentinel, showing that the man was a frequent subject of violence complaints and had allegedly assaulted two other people before the shooting, protestors drew similarities to other police-involved shootings throughout the nation.

When contacted about the “ALL COPS ARE BASTARDS” sign at the Wisconsin Jobs Now rally, Lisa Lucas, the communications director, told reporters “None of our members brought it to the event. It was, in fact, brought by individuals unaffiliated with us, and those individuals were asked to remove that sign from the action so that our message wouldn’t be compromised.”

A Facebook post on Wisconsin Jobs Now’s official page from Wednesday shows a sign that Wisconsin Jobs Now endorsed, which reads “This is not a matter of cop-bashing, nor a question of who’s ‘good’ and who’s ‘bad’. We stand here fighting against a system proven to persistently employ RACE as the core basis for disenfranchising countless individuals from the right to live.”

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  1. Go ahead. Shrug your shoulders cop. It will not stop the impending actions of what your people face.

    The resistance grows, so keep shrugging those shoulders. We will not stop. We will not bow, nor kneel, nor plead.

    We outnumber not only in numbers but also in intelligence, morality and ethics. You can shoot us, but we will find a way to show the world in vast numbers that you shoot us. You can rape us, but we will find a way for the world to see that you rape us. You can kill our animals and we will find a way for the world to see that you kill our animals.

    When all is said and done, the blue line will burn. The blue line will be broken and what’s left of cop culture will be a stain in history, a terrible blemish hopefully tucked away in the small print of future history lessons. That is only enough for future citizens to revel and shake their heads at how disgusting, no revolting, cop culture is.

    That’s it. Your legacy will be one of corruption and blood. Remembered only to help remind us of the putrid arrogance of the cop, a short time long ago when men and women believed they were the law and not defenders of the law. When they believed they were above us and not patrons of the citizens, instead they believed they were judge, jury and executioner. That is what we resist and that is what we aim to dismantle.

    Shrug it off cop. You won’t see it coming. It will happen in a blink of an eye.

    Good luck, and sleep tight cop.

    • So what you are saying is that ALL teachers, priests, and Boy Scout leaders are child molesters. All politicians and car salesmen are thieves. All those on welfare are drug addicts. It’s really sad to see how people are lumped into one category by their chosen profession. A tiny fraction of 1% of police contacts result in lethal force. Look at the statistics. No cop goes to work hoping to kill someone. You have no idea what someone goes through when they are forced to take a life. Try being a cop for one shift,oh wait, you won’t, it would require you to come out from behind your warrior keyboard.

    • Really? Supposing that you do take down every single cop… Who will protect you when others turn on you? You take them down, your rights disappear because they are the ones protecting them. It’s sad that they are a necessary part of our society, but they are, and I am thankful for them. Who will you call when you’re in trouble and no one has risen up to accept the responsibility of caring about it?

      If you hate the system, then be the change you want to see. Man up and go to the academy, see what they’re really facing, find out what the statistics really are, then you can actually make positive change.

      What you’re saying is just bloodthirsty anger, which I’m willing to get stems from something other than just cop hate at it’s core. Do you really think it’s possible that ALL cops are evil?

      Well, if so, you’re simply wrong, and nothing you say can change the fact that you are. Truth is truth, no matter how much you’d like to pretend that you are justified in your chosen view. Surely, being do clearly intelligent, you do understand that deep down.

      I am sorry for whatever has happened to you to make you so angry. But hating someone else will only make you angrier; it won’t accomplish anything for justice.

    • Also, the real police legacy (the one that the media doesn’t tout to downtrodden individuals they want to stir up in a hateful frenzy) is one of protection and service. Less that one percent of cops make the kind of mistakes you’re talking about.

      You, with your threats of war, are the one trying to leave a legacy of blood.

  2. This is all bullshit. What they are saying is that cops should not be allowed to protect their own lives or anyone else for that matter. The real racist behavior in this country is largely by the black population. Most blacks I know personally or meet in intelligent settings are great hard working people so I don’t know how the unintelligent group has created this mess. Oh yes I do come to think of it …Obama and his minions.

    • Well said! We in law enforcement are in the unique position of being able to hold the moral high ground with facts and evidence. I for one am disappointed with Leo Affairs for publishing such a deliberately misleading article.
      I thought LA was in support of police, but it looks like that’s a mask they wear to push some kind of political agenda.

  3. NEA gave a partnership project grant to WJN for organizing to save public education in Milwaukee, given the constant assaults from Gov. Walker and others in the form of budget cuts, proposals to expand vouchers, and more. No NEA money has been used to fund these demonstrations. The report in question is a partisan political attack piece that is not based in fact.!!!

    I used to work for an NEA affiliate prior to becoming a Trooper… This is just a political manipulation… Don’t buy into it.. The teachers are very much with us

    • Well said! We in law enforcement are in the unique position of being able to hold the moral high ground with facts and evidence. I for one am disappointed with Leo Affairs for publishing such a deliberately misleading article.
      I thought LA was in support of police, but it looks like that’s a mask they wear to push some kind of political agenda.

    • MD Trooper said it very well!
      We in law enforcement are in the unique position of being able to hold the moral high ground with facts and evidence. I for one am disappointed with Leo Affairs for publishing such a deliberately misleading article.
      I thought LA was in support of police, but it looks like that’s a mask they wear to push some kind of political agenda.

  4. Jason Caz did your boyfriend help you write that from prison? You couldnt walk in that in their shoes for a minute you need to be Man not some punk thinking he’s the shit with your keyboard!!! Your a joke!!!

  5. Let’s make a sign that says “all teachers are pedophiles” and take it to the next rally! After all they’re constantly in the news for having sexual contact with students….