Home News “Police have committed atrocious crimes,” college professor tears into pro-police student

“Police have committed atrocious crimes,” college professor tears into pro-police student


A Cypress College professor is receiving backlash after question one of her student’s presentations and mocking him during a virtual class for his pro-police position.

According to Fox News, 19-year-old Braden Ellis was finishing up his presentation about “cancel culture” and was defending the police and calling them heroes. The professor, who was not identified, interrupted her student and began to point out that police were created in the segregated South to control slaves and are inheritably racist as an organization.

That spurned a series of quips back and forth with Ellis defending police and pointing out that every industry has a few bad characters.

When given the example of a burglar being in her home, the teacher stated she would not own a gun nor would she call police saying, “My life’s more in danger in their presence…I wouldn’t call anybody.”

Ellis said that the professor is teaching a communications course he needs as a requirement.

He said he posted the video after he left shocked at the way his presentation finished and the conversation they had in the class.

He said he did not initially record the video, instead he took it from the professors archives and shared it.

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  1. Frankly I am sick to death of the way in which all these leftist teachers manage to squeeze in their ‘Woke’ diatribes into just about ANY subject under the sun, from mathematics to communications to you name it! Many years ago, when I took Communications in College, I can assure you that the subject of police brutality in America was never raised, and rightly so.

    Furthermore, it’s a myth that the origins of American policing begin with Southern United States patrols intended to corral runaway slaves, as that teacher alleges. In reality, it began in colonial North America with the watchmen organized in Boston in 1631 and in New Amsterdam (later New York City) in 1647. In contrast, patrol groups created to stop runaway slaves in the Southern United States did not get their start until the late 1700s; roughly a hundred years later.

    Moreover, the first publicly funded, organized police force with officers on duty full-time (AKA MODERN police force) was created in Boston in 1838. Boston was a large shipping commercial center, and businesses had been hiring people to protect their property and safeguard the transport of goods from the port of Boston to other places. Chasing down runaway slaves was of absolutely no concern to them, period. In England and the United States, the police were invented within the space of just a few decades: roughly from 1825 to 1855.

    Please take the time to research this important subject. You will see that it’s a MYTH that policing in America had its origin with the chasing down/corralling of runaway slaves.

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