Chief Adrian Garcia of the Childress Police Department received a letter from the Freedom From Religion Foundation demanding that the department remove the words ‘In God We Trust’ from their patrol vehicles. This comes on the heels Lee County, VA Sheriff Gary Parsons addition of the national motto to their patrol units earlier in the month.
Chief Garcia decided with a letter, which has since gone viral, in which he said, “After carefully reading your letter I must deny your request in the removal of our Nations motto from our patrol units, and ask that you and the Freedom From Religion Foundation go fly a kite.” The chief then posted the message to the department’s facebook page.
In response to the controversy, several departments and Sheriff’s offices from around the state have been sending photos of their units brandishing “In God We Trust” decals in support of Chief Garcia.
Awesome, thank you Chief Garcia, we are proud of you and all the officers around the country who put themselves in harms way for us.