The mother of an autistic boy from Bradley County, Tennessee called officers to help her out with a tough situation and the heartwarming story has since gone viral.
The boy, named Bubba, was “severely agitated,” his mother said. When Deputy Corey Loftis responded to the call, she told him that Bubba loved police officers, so she thought of calling them first, when she needed someone to help calm her son down.
Officer Loftis immediately came up with a way to help Bubba blow off some steam. He showed the boy “how to channel his frustration by doing “PUSH-UPS,” the Bradley County Sheriff’s Dept. wrote on their Facebook page.
Bubba’s mom, Christy Richardson, told the local ABC station that she was shocked when she saw her son laughing before Loftis left.
“I can’t thank Officer Loftis enough for being so caring through it all,” Richardson wrote. She posted a picture of the two together with the caption: “An Officer and Bubba (a boy with Autism). They both had me laughing. So tell me again how you think all cops are bad?”
The photo has since been shared 200 times, News Channel 9 reports.
Bubba was also featured recently in a Channel 9 story, as he was just starting on a quest to collect one million can tabs for Ronald McDonald house.
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