Home News Photo of Michigan perp, hiding in plain sight, goes viral

Photo of Michigan perp, hiding in plain sight, goes viral


perp on roof

Police were trying to enter a home in Grand Rapids, Michigan, after receiving a domestic dispute call from that address — when a neighbor snapped a photo of a man lying on the roof of the home.

Police say that man was 25-year-old Edward Martin.

photo credit: Kent County Sheriff's Dept.
photo credit: Kent County Sheriff’s Dept.

When cops came to his door Friday afternoon, Martin slammed it shut, then tried to escape through a second-story window. The photo showing his body stretched out along the rooftop, with his arms curled in as two officers are seen right below him on the porch. That snapshot of the moments that officers spent searching for Martin was reportedly captured by his neighbor.

“Apparently, the photo with the man lying on the roof has gone viral with people asking, ‘What is going on here?’ “Grand Rapids Police Officer Terry Dixon said.

“They’ve been looking for him for 10 minutes,” a user named @RichDaKilla said in an Imgur post that’s been seen nearly 3 million times.

A woman finally let the cops in after they banged on the door several more times.  Police reportedly saw signs of domestic assault, according to the NY Daily News.

One of the officers who was patrolling the perimeter of the home spotted Martin on the roof and alerted his colleagues.  He was arrested on charges of resisting arrest and obstructing police.

Martin was taken to Kent County Jail and released the next day. He’s expected to appear in court in the next several days.

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