Home News Philadelphia becomes first major city to ban all minor traffic stops

Philadelphia becomes first major city to ban all minor traffic stops

Three Philadelphia police officers and a Highway Patrol Lieutenant standing next to a police SUV.

Philadelphia has become the first major U.S. city to tell its officers to stop pulling people over for minor infractions.

According to NBC Philadelphia, the city is doing away with the minor traffic stops and will hire a set of unarmed traffic officers. Those officers will be civilians and were approved by citizens back in 2019.

The city has is touting the moves as a way to create racial equity when it comes to crimes and prosecution that disproportionally affect black and brown people.

The law was signed into effect on Friday.

The Department says this will allow them to redirect officers to more pressing duties.

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  1. What do they consider minor?
    What are they going to do when one of those minor traffic stops ends up with one of those civilians being shot by someone who doesn’t want to be pulled over by an authority figure of any kind?
    Does a minor infraction include anything that could get an innocent person killed if it were not enforced? If that is the case, is the city counsel of Philadelphia ready to take the heat?

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