Home News Pennsylvania politician and Marine vet forced to resign for supporting National Anthem,...

Pennsylvania politician and Marine vet forced to resign for supporting National Anthem, Christianity


A Pennsylvania Democrat and Marine veteran who saw service in the Gulf War has been forced to resign over a comment made on Facebook, expressing his patriotism in a way that went against the grain of the Allegheny County Democratic Party.

Mark Salvas was effectively forced to resign from his position due to a Facebook photo that read, “I stand for the flag, I kneel at the cross.”

Salvas, who served in the Gulf War, has no regrets, despite the fact that the party is punishing him.

“I’m not ashamed of my patriotism, not one bit. I fought for this country. I think I have a right to have a voice and be patriotic,” he said.

Personally, he has no qualms with NFL players expressing their right to free speech, but he refuses to apologize for how he feels.

“That’s part of what the flag stands for,” he said. It gives them the right to do that.”

Salvas posted the photo before he was hired as the executive director of the ACDP.

The second post called into question was posted by his wife, who called for support for East Pittsburgh PD Officer Michael Rosfeld, who the family have known since he was a toddler. Rosfeld was accused of killing suspect Antwon Rose II in the line of duty.

“What happened to Antwon Rose was a tragedy. I don’t think anybody doubts that. I think we can all agree on that. A young man lost his life and that’s a shame,” Salvas told CBS Local. “Officer Rosfeld, Michael Rosfeld, is as close to me and my family as anyone could be. I have known that young man since he was literally 3 years old. They are family to us.”

However, Pennsylvania Representative Ed Gainey told local Pittsburgh media that Salvas’ post was insensitive to African-American in the Democratic Party.

“If you’re going to be executive director of the Democratic Party, you have to be sensitive to things like that,” he told the news outlet.

In the end, it was demanded that Salvas apologize, and he refused. Now, Salvas is looking for employment elsewhere.

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