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Officials accused of covering up students’ attack on Black police officer at same school where they targeted Jewish teacher

Screenshots from the video below

Newly released footage reveals more about the students at a New York City high school that in protest over a teacher’s Facebook profile photo, which showed her at a pro-Israel rally.

A week prior to police having to respond to a pro-Israel teacher having to hide from students in a locked office, students at Hillcrest High School repeatedly punched a Black school police officer.

The footage shows students pin the officer against a hallway wall while punching him as he attempted to defend his head with his arms.

Vickie Paladino, a NYC Council Member representing District 19 of Queens, published the video and wrote: “An anonymous source within the DOE shared video with my office of students at Hillcrest High School brutally attacking a uniformed school safety officer.”

“This event apparently happened a week before the riot. The school administration tried to cover this up in the same way they tried to cover up the riot.”

“It’s clear that the administration of Hillcrest is totally compromised and either unwilling or unable to do what’s necessary to provide a safe environment to their students or their faculty.”

“Furthermore, they seem more than willing to cover up crimes committed by their students in service of a political narrative, and to prevent these criminal students from facing consequences.”

“Were it not brought to the attention of my office, this may have remained covered up. And who knows what else they’re hiding at this point. This cannot continue.”

The NYPD issued a response to the release of the video.

“The NYPD is aware of this incident. Violence in our schools will not be tolerated.” “The individuals responsible for assaulting the NYPD Schools agents were taken into custody & charged according to NYPD procedures.”

Officer Kevin L. Taylor, the Inspector of School Safety Division for the NYPD, wrote: “In regard to Hillcrest HS, I have increased security measures to ensure the continued safety of all students and staff. We will be working closely with DOE to prevent future incidents”

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