Home News Photo of officer helping suicidal autistic teen goes viral

Photo of officer helping suicidal autistic teen goes viral

Image credit: Charlotte-Mecklenburg Police Department Facebook page.
Image credit: Charlotte-Mecklenburg Police Department Facebook page.

Per the CMPD:

Officer Tim Purdy was dispatched to a situation involving a young autistic high school student who left the campus and may have been suicidal.

Due to the young man’s neuro-developmental disorder, he also had a history of displaying violent behavior.

In order to build a connection with the young man, Officer Purdy sat next to him on the ground, talked things through and even got him laughing.

Officer Purdy established trust and a relationship that allowed officers to get this young man the help that he so desperately needed.

There’s more to policing than making arrests and enforcing the law. Sometimes taking those extra little steps makes the biggest difference in someone’s life.

#CMPD #compassion

Charlotte-Mecklenburg Police Department Facebook page

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