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Obama appointee a ‘slap in the face to every law enforcement officer in America’

Debo Adegbile (L), and convicted cop killer Mumia Abu-Jamal (R).
Debo Adegbile (L), and convicted cop killer Mumia Abu-Jamal (R).

In a shocking twist that is sure to weaken already frayed relations between the Obama Administration and law enforcement, President Obama has appointed former cop killer attorney Debo Adegbile to a six-year post on the US Commission on Civil Rights.

Adegbile was a lawyer at the NAACP Legal Defense and Educational Fund when he was tasked with representing cop-killer Abu-Jamal, appealing his conviction and death sentence for the infamous 1981 shooting death of Philadelphia Police Department officer Daniel Faulkner. Thanks to the efforts of Adegbile, Abu-Jamal’s sentence was reduced to life in prison.

Due to this case, the Senate rejected Adegbile when he was nominated by Obama to be the head of the Justice Department’s office on civil rights, with bipartisan opposition mounted against the suggestion.

According to the Washington Times, Liberals have praised the latest nomination, with the Center for American Progress citing Mr. Adegbile’s “work on employment, housing discrimination, criminal justice and voting rights.”

Among the state leaders up in arms over the selection is Pennsylvania Senator Pat Toomey (R-Pa.), who released the following statement on the matter:

“In 2014, a bipartisan majority of the U.S. Senate agreed that Debo Adegbile was not fit to represent the people of the United States in enforcing Americans’ civil rights-then, as head of the Justice Department’s Civil Right Division. And with good reason.

Mr. Adegbile did not simply defend a client. He supervised an effort to lionize unrepentant cop-killer Mumia Abu Jamal, who cold-bloodedly murdered Philadelphia police officer  Danny Faulkner  35 years ago. Mr. Adegbile supervised the effort to spread misinformation about the trial and evidence, fabricate claims of racism, malign Philly police, and organize rallies across the globe that portrayed this brutal cop-killer as the victim.

President Obama’s decision to nevertheless appoint Mr. Adegbile to the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights is a slap in the face to every law enforcement officer in America.

President Obama added insult to injury by lauding Mr. Adegbile, saying, ‘He represents the best of the legal profession’ and evinced an ‘unwavering dedication to protecting every American’s civil and constitutional rights under the law.’ What about the rights of  Danny Faulkner  and his widow Maureen?

A Democrat-led U.S. Senate evaluated the facts and agreed that Debo Adegbile is not fit to represent the American people as an enforcer of civil rights. This judgment included the votes of seven Democrats. I call on President Obama to adhere to the bipartisan judgment of the U.S. Senate and withdraw his appointment of Debo Adegbile to the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights.”

The move threatens to aggravate a widening rift between President Obama and Law Enforcement Officers across the country, who widely see the current leader of the free world as anti-police.
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