Home News Mass Bail Out phase 2: Throw parties outside Rikers for criminals bailed...

Mass Bail Out phase 2: Throw parties outside Rikers for criminals bailed out (some violent offenders)

Rikers Island and Kerry Kennedy (inset). Credit: USGS and Twitter.

Robert Kennedy’s daughter continues to raise eyebrows with her ‘Mass Bail Out’ movement, now holding parties outside the gate outside the gates of Rikers Island for criminals her organization bails out.

Kerry Kennedy made headlines yesterday after it was revealed that her charity -the Robert F Kennedy Human Rights Foundation- was indiscriminately bailing out women and teens from the prison, despite many of them having lengthy or violent rap sheets.

Outside of Rikers, Kennedy’s foundation has propped up a portable building, complete with flowers, balloons, and banners that read “Mass Bail Out” and “Welcome Home.”

When bailed offenders make their way to the building, they’re greeted by NYC Crisis Management System staff and given snacks, Metro rail cards and cellular phones.

According to the New York Post, however, Transportation Department officials say the facility has no permit to be on the site. One volunteer at the center disputed the claim, but would not elaborate.

Meanwhile, not everyone is happy with the organization’s wanton bailing practices, which are expected to exceed $5 million.

“I’m all for bail reform,” an NYPD source said. “But they’re just going on a rampage and letting anyone out. That’s like, ‘We’re going to bail you out. We’re going to feed you and go out there and commit some more crimes. We got your back.’”

Borough President Melinda Katz is in full support of the charity, going so far as to praise them on Twitter.

“#Queens believes poverty is not a crime and wealth-based pre-trial detention is morally wrong,” she wrote. “The #MassBailOut, with a focus on bailing out women and children, is about strengthening communities, and builds upon years of collective work by so many to end mass incarceration.”

Among those bailed out are a career prostitute, an ex-con with violent tendencies, and a teen that robbed a cabbie at knifepoint.

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