In a story straight from a Saturday morning cartoon, a 22-year-old armed robber was caught by police in Olympia, Washington carrying his stolen goods in a canvas bag with a giant dollar sign on it after robbing a Subway.
According to New York Daily News, David Lingafelter was charged with robbery and obstruction after he was apprehended carrying the classic bad guy prop.
Lingafelter entered Subway with his face covered by a red bandana and white hat and told the clerk not to do “anything funny,” as he reached his hand into his pocket to indicate he had a gun. He then stole at least $100 and the employee’s cell phone. It was also reported he took along with him a shopping cart filled with other merchandise.
Officers responded immediately and quickly located Lingafelter, who was ignoring commands to stop. Once cornered, Lingafelter jumped into a dumpster where he was found by authorities, the money bag tied to his pants.
Linafelter is currently being held at Thurston County Jail on $10,000 bail.