Home News Local police department plays along with Pennsylvania deli’s new sign

Local police department plays along with Pennsylvania deli’s new sign

Image credit: Bridgeville Police Department.

 A Pennsylvania police department and a local deli have been trading playful shots at one another, to include the establishment warning  drivers that a police officer regularly hides a cruiser behind their sign.

The Bridgeville Police Department posted a picture to Facebook, showing a cruiser sitting behind the sign for PJ’S Deli.


BPD, seeing humor in the situation,  was happy to share the picture.

Well… I guess the jokes on us!” the agency wrote. “SMH. Good one, PJ’s Deli!”

 However, the sign was by no means intended to hamper the efforts of law enforcement.

“It was put up as a joke, and they came and parked a cruiser behind the sign and took their own picture,” Pam Wheat, owner of PJ’s Deli, told a FOX affiliate. “We see accidents almost daily on our corner because it’s a bad intersection, but they do not use my property to hide so you can let that secret out of the bag.”

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