Home News Listen: Harvey Weinstein audio from wire supplied by NYPD and worn by...

Listen: Harvey Weinstein audio from wire supplied by NYPD and worn by actress is absolutely awful


It’s one thing to read about the multitude of horrific sexual assault and harassment claims levied against Hollywood mogul Harvey Weinstein. It’s another to actually hear him pressure a young actress to come into his hotel bathroom while he takes a shower.

The young woman however was wearing a wire for the NYPD.

The recording stems from events that took place in March of 2015, according to The New Yorker’s bombshell report on Weinstein. While meeting with Weinstein at his Tribeca office and showing Weinstein her modeling portfolio, 22-year-old Ambra Battilana Gutierrez, who was a finalist for the Miss Italy contest, says the Hollywood heavyweight lunged at her, groping her breast and trying to place his hand under her skirt.

She stopped him and he backed off. She then left and despite an invitation to a Broadway show that evening, she went to the NYPD.

The NYPD set up the sting where she would meet with Weinstein and try and extract a confession – which she got amid incredible pressure for her to come into his room and watch him shower.

Sadly, even though there was enough evidence, Manhattan District Attorney Cyrus Vance, Jr decided not to prosecute the overweight pervert.

How anyone could hear that tape and not know they were dealing with a danger to society as well as someone who had admitted to sexually assaulting a victim that had come forward is astonishing.

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