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Law enforcement agencies to use garbage and dump trucks to thwart potential vehicular terror attacks


In light of a recent trend involving the use of weaponized vehicles by terrorists, law enforcement agencies across the US are going low-tech- by placing dump trucks in the way of possible vehicular assaulters.

“More and more, we’re seeing attacks both in the U.S. and abroad where vehicles are utilized,” says Daniel Linskey, a retired Boston Police Department superintendent in chief who now works for a security management firm called Kroll Associates.

Here’s the rundown: in order to prevent incidents such as the attacks witnessed in the UK, France and other parts of the world, police will set up roadblocks of weighted trucks as a form of crowd -and vehicle- control.

“They’re effective because they’re heavy duty,” Linskey explains. “A lot of things can push up against them but very few, if any, are going to move them.”

From Phoenix to the perimeter around New York City’s Trump Tower, the big trucks are helping in a big way- for a comparatively small price.

“It’s definitely a way to utilize existing resources in an effective, efficient manner and supplement law enforcement’s ability to keep people safe,” he says.

According to NPR, Linskey says the roadblock method can help protect lives from an incident involving vehicles, but only to a degree.

“It’s unfortunate we live in a society where we even have to think about protecting people all the time,” Linskey says. “The best way we can defeat those who use these tactics is to come out for these big events. Fill the streets. Fill sporting events. Fill arenas.”

In the end, the best weapon against terror is still situational awareness- but a dump truck helps.

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