Home News Houston PD sergeant, married father of two, takes own life at police...

Houston PD sergeant, married father of two, takes own life at police station


A Sergeant with over 21-years of police service took his own life at a Houston Police station earlier this morning by way of gunshot wound to the head.

Houston Police Department Chief Art Acevedo said the department is conducting a “psychological autopsy” to find out why the officer committed suicide, claiming that “We owe it to the family and to the workforce” to find answers.

Out of respect for the family, HPD would not identify the sergeant, who was a married father of two pre-teens.

“I don’t think his name is as newsworthy as the fact that this has happened,” Acevedo said

According to ABC13, the chief said the family has been visited by officials and has no shortage of support from HPD.

“They will not take this journey alone,” Acevedo said.

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  1. This is so tragic on so many levels. I am a retired SoCal LE Sgt. and my son is a detective at the agency where I retired from. The well being of all of our LE brothers and sisters is still a very important thing to me. Just last week I was on a cruise out of Galveston and flew into and out of Houston Hobby Airport. Each time I saw a HPD officer or group of them I made damn sure I shook their hands and told them that as a retired LE officer I prayed for their safety everyday. I wished them well and bit them farewell.

  2. My heart goes out to his family both blood and blue. I have experienced their pain so I know what they are going through. You will all be in my thoughts and prayers.

  3. My prayers go out to his family. I am sadden by this awful tragedy. Thank his family for the service of husband /dad. I pray God lets them know that he there with them. I pray the Lord gives him strength.

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