Home News Georgia deputies fired after they’re caught “in the act” on a hot...

Georgia deputies fired after they’re caught “in the act” on a hot mic

Source: RCSO Facebook

An inappropriate relationship caught on a “hot mic” resulted in the firing of two Richmond County Sheriff’s Deputies.

According to WRDW, Cpl. Melissa Allen and Sgt. Aunarey Herbet engaged in sexual intercourse with each other while on duty and on shift. While in the act, one of their radios opened a channel into dispatch and recorded what was being said and done.

The incident happened in September, but it took almost a month-and-a-half before Internal Affairs completed its investigation and recommended termination for the two.

During the investigation, both lied multiple times about the relationship. Both are supervisors and are prohibited from having relationships with subordinates, including each other.

The two were demoted but fired after lying to investigators about the incident.

It’s believed there were roughly 34 emergency calls made during the sexual encounter in the busy Augusta downtown area.

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