Home News Former judge dragged out of court after she’s found guilty of illegally...

Former judge dragged out of court after she’s found guilty of illegally giving info to brother


A former judge in Ohio is on her way to jail after she used her position to help a family member.

Ex-juvenile court judge Tracie Hunter exhausted her appeals related to her 2014 conviction for passing information to her brother in a job dispute.

On Monday, Hunter was ordered to jail by Hamilton County Common Pleas Judge Patrick Dinkelacker, resulting in several of her supporters to cause chaos in the courtroom.

Refusing to go, Hunter went limp and had to be dragged away. One of her supporters, wearing a black T-shirt with the words “Justice for Judge Tracie M. Hunter,” was also handcuffed and taken away.

Hunter’s brother, Stephen Hunter, had been working as a corrections officer when he reportedly struck a juvenile detainee in 2013, leading to his termination. Then-Judge Hunter demanded documents about the detainee and gave them to her brother.

According to NBC News, Hunter maintained her innocence to the end.

“I violated no laws, I did not secure a public contract, I did not secure employment for my brother who worked for the court for about seven years before I was elected judge,” she said. “They need to drop these unrighteous and I believe unlawful charges against me.”

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  1. This only happens to Black citizens here in this racist country. Do you see Trump going to jail? And why was her supporter in the Black shirt arrested? For saying she supported this judge? Is this justice?

  2. The black Judge woman didn’t want to obey her superior judge when she broke the law. All these supporters of the former judge can’t stand to obey laws that were made. It doesn’t matter the color of skin. These blacks don’t like laws, but when they get scared the first one they call is the police. If they don’t get their way they riot. Throw them all in jail.

  3. maybe its just me, but her brother punched a minor, and she basically doxed the minor. Doxing isnt illegal, but considered very unethical. now that for us adult, minors have their parents’, next of kin, ICE, and sometime grand parents info. meaning SSN, home address, Place of work, etc…. her brother is pissed due to his ignorance and temper on the job…. shit put her ass in a self hugging jacket, let her bounce off the walls if she is unable to see how she broke the law.

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