Home News Following Trump election, New York City looks to delete illegal immigrant info...

Following Trump election, New York City looks to delete illegal immigrant info from databases

Image credit: IDNYC Facebook page
Image credit: IDNYC Facebook page

The Big Apple is steeling itself in preparation of a Trump presidency- by effectively scrubbing records of illegal immigrants in the city.

The NYC municipal ID program has urged Mayor de Blasio to say he’s planning to safeguard any and all records submitted by illegal immigrants “in light of what’s happened,” a reference to President-elect Donald Trump’s victory over former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.

The Municipal ID program was enacted in early 2015 and includes a one-time provision to give the mayor a chance to scrub the data of cardholders before December 31st.

“There’s been an ongoing plan regardless of any electoral activity of how long records are kept,” de Blasio said during a press conference on Thursday outside City Hall.

“Given this new reality, we’re certainly going to assess how we should handle it. Remember, it takes time for laws to pass, and we have to see what the specifics will be. But we’re going to look at that question for sure about how we want to handle it in light of what’s happened.”

Despite the provision, records provided by applicants for their city IDs are not retained longer than two years, so long as there are no legal issues.

New York Immigration Coalition spokesperson Thanu Yakupitiyage implored de Blasio to protect illegals at all costs.

“The mayor needs to do everything in his power to keep these records private, especially since we were told that is how it would be,” she said.

According to the New York Post, About 900,000 residents have signed up for the cards, which were aimed at illegal immigrants. The cards also provided free admission or discounts to many of NYC’s museums, parks and other attractions.

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