Home News Father of Orlando terrorist had video that said god will punish gays,...

Father of Orlando terrorist had video that said god will punish gays, also posted one at time of attack


The Afghan-born father of the gunman who carried out the terrorist attack against a nightclub in Orlando, Florida has surfaced as a host of an anti-American TV show and Taliban sympathizer.

According to the New York Post, Seddique Mateen -father of Orlando terrorist Omar Mateen- appears in several videos, including one he posted around the time of his son’s attack. In the most recent video, he wears a military uniform and salutes the camera. See below:

Seddique Mateen was also a candidate for the presidency of Afghanistan.

A video was also found where he said, “the issue of gay punishment and homosexuality belongs to God and God punishes them for whatever they do.”

YouTube video

Mateen was the host of the Durand Jirga Show, a show whose name refers to the disputed border between Afghanistan and Pakistan. The show is broadcast from California and is known for anti-American and pro-Taliban remarks.

“Our brothers in Waziristan, our warrior brothers in [the] Taliban movement and national Afghan Taliban are rising up,” he said in one video.

Mateen insisted his son had no ties to radical Islam, despite the fact that Omar Mateen pledged his allegiance towards ISIS to 911 dispatchers as he carried out his attack.

Omar Mateen killed around 50 people and wounded more during an attack on a nightclub over the weekend, an act considered the worst mass shooting in US History.


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