Home News DNA of suspect who shot two Detroit officers matches DNA tied to...

DNA of suspect who shot two Detroit officers matches DNA tied to murder of WSPD Officer Collin Rose


DNA evidence has now linked a suspect involved in the shooting of to Detroit Police officer to the murder of a Wayne State Police officer, authorities claim.

Police sources said that DNA gathered from 60-year-old Raymond Durham has not only linked the Durham to the wounding of two DPD officers, but also DNA on evidence gathered in the fatal shooting of WSPD Officer Colin Rose. Durham’s DNA was found on Officer Rose, his gloves and a flashlight, according to WXYZ Detroit.

Durham is well known in his community as a person who “keeps to himself,” frequenting a local deli for breakfast.

“Through the years, he’s been a regular in the neighborhood as far back as I can remember,” said Stuart Litt, the owner of the Hygrade Deli. “When I saw his face, my first reaction was that looks like my customer,” said Litt. “I was totally amazed and shocked.”.

Others in the area are just as surprised.

“Keeps to himself, makes me laugh, all the time, literally couldn’t believe when the cops showed me his picture and it was him, I was shocked,” said Ismael Farraj.

According to WXYZ, Durham’s family admits that the 60-year-old has some mental issues but don’t believe he is guilty.


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