Home Uncategorized Deputies embarrassed after coroner shows up and points out that dead woman...

Deputies embarrassed after coroner shows up and points out that dead woman is actually a sex doll


A town in Georgia is breathing a sigh of relief -and having a laugh- after a “body” found along a rail line within the city limits turned out to be a sex doll.

When a female body was spotted on the tracks in Allenhurst, Liberty County deputies responded and waited for the coroner to show up.

When the coroner arrived, he pointed out that while the body was anatomically correct in terms of being female, it wasn’t human- in fact, it was a creature of a more silicone-based variety.

Needless to say, everyone was relieved- and not just because the amount of paperwork involved decreased by a significant margin.

According to CBS 46, the entire incident has people puzzled, as nothing like this has happened around Liberty County.

Detective Mike Albritton, who was involved in the investigation, stated that the doll was fully dressed and did not indicate any signs of…extreme misuse.

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