An online video from last week’s DC Pride Parade shows a massive crowd box in a squad car and people climbing on top of it to start twerking.
The video was posted on Reddit.
About eight people climb onto the hood, roof, and rear of the car and begin to shake their backside as the crowd cheers them on.
The patrol car, despite having its lights on, does not appear to be moving.
It’s also uncertain if there are any officers inside the vehicle.
The DC pride parade on Saturday also saw people trampled over each other to get away from a suspected active shooter situation.
According to NBC Washington, a man had pulled a BB gun during an altercation, leading to the panic. He apparently pulled the weapon out because someone was hitting his significant other.
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The TWEAK is a dance MOVE. It was never meant to be the whole dance. And drag queens do it as well as most women.
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