In a now deleted social media post, Durham, NC City Councilwoman Jillian Johnson endorsed gun control, condemned law enforcement and the U.S. military, and said FBI anti-terror efforts are racist.
The controversial post to the councilwoman’s personal page read:
“I am all about keeping guns away from dangerous people, but I feel like more of us should be pointing out that the most dangerous people with guns are cops and soldiers, and that the no-fly list and FBI anti-terror efforts are seriously corrupted by entrapment, racial profiling and Islamophobia.”
Johnson’s post has since been deleted and today she posted a ‘clarifying statement’ to her city council Facebook page in response to ‘some concern in the community’ over her original post.
However, instead of apologizing for the illogical original post that demonized our nation’s heroes, she doubled-down using faulty logic on what she calls ‘state-sanctioned violence.’ In the new post, Councilwoman Johnson tries to deflect from her original comments by stating lies perpetuated by politicians about the military budget, incarceration rate and police homicide rate.
Just for good measure, let’s take a look at some of those false talking points; statements that even presumptive presidential nominee Hillary Clinton still uses in her speeches.
The first is the myth that the U.S. incarcerates 25% of the world’s prison population. This is based on a study by a British organization that has it at 22%, but doesn’t take into account people in prison in several countries like North Korea, Somalia and Eritrea. A report by the Washington Post also highlights that figures from China and Iran are likely grossly underreported. Finally on that point, the high incarceration rate in the U.S. is tied to sentencing for drug offenders, which many in law enforcement will argue has significantly reduced crime since the 1980’s and 1990’s.
The second falsehood in Johnson’s ‘clarifying statement’ is that the ‘US spends as much on our military as all other countries combined,’ which is simply false. It’s true, that the U.S. spends more than the next 7-8 countries with the largest militaries combined, but that’s about it. It’s amazing that there are people out there who actually believe statements like this.
Councilwoman Johnson also mentions that the U.S. has the highest police homicide rate in the developed world. For that to be true, what she considers the developed world must be a small place considering police in the city of Rio de Janeiro are responsible for nearly 1,000 deaths per year, nearly twice the number of that by police in America.
So not only does this woman have a distorted world view, she’s not humble enough to admit when she made a mistake and she’s more than willing to spew factually deficient anti-law enforcement and anti-military propaganda. Perhaps it’s time the city of Durham rethink who they vote into office.
You can reach out to Councilwoman Johnson directly on her Facebook page, here.
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I hope that one day that you don’t need a police officer to come and save you, maybe just maybe you can ask your friends from the black Panthers to come and save you. Karma will find you and I hope the people in your community don’t vote you back in.
Ladies and Gentlemen, she is about to learn what the term “Career Suicide” means… And is it just me or does she look like Medusa?
Go to Chicago you stupid cow! There, blak lives don’t matter one bit. They’ll just LOVE you there.
Bringing back psychological screening and IQ test for elected officials and government employees would solve so many problems.
Tell the people in Oakland that cops are safe. Tell hundreds of thousands of dead civilians that our military is safe. YOU might be a good cop, but you are not every cop. For that fact, if you make excuses for bad cops you ARE a bad cop. Those cops are the reason why your job is so difficult. Stop making excuses for them, weed them out, stop acting like you’re a hero just for taking a breath, and remember that you’re a public SERVANT who is no more important than any other public servant.
Lastly, when you’re too stupid to attack an idea you attack the person presenting it.
‘zactly . in fact, this article is full of straight up lies . we know how many people u.s. police kill, and it’s well over 1000 per year
Anyone who is NOT wholesale anti-authority has the distorted mind. In other words, you are Stockholmed, which makes you a threat to us all who want real freedom. You will join the authorities against us, to continue enslaving the hu-mans. Let the anarchists be the only ones left alive! Be careful though, the authoritarians will surely have spies among the anarchists, so paranoia would be normal and prudent when that time comes.
If you delete my post you should be lined up and shot with every other cop loving, filthy pieces of dickshit. How ya like that?
Wonder if she will sign an autograph? I thought she was great in Predator.
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