Home News British man refusing to drop knives eats pavement after dose of Edison’s...

British man refusing to drop knives eats pavement after dose of Edison’s Medicine


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The streets of Birmingham have a reputation in the United Kingdom for being pretty rough- as evidenced by police body cam footage involving armed police and a knife-wielding suspect.

999 dispatchers alerted West Midlands Firearms Officers (specialized officers who are authorized to carry firearms on duty- the is the UK we are talking about)  to a man brandishing two knives and terrifying staff working in a nearby reception area.

Approaching 20-year-old knifeman Aron Tesfalem, the FOs ordered him to drop the knife around ten times  before resorting to less-lethal Tasing.

50,000 volts later, Tesfalem was on the ground, where officers disarmed and detained him with a quickness.

According to the Mirror, the knifeman later told police he was drunk and upset because he had been swindled out of a £400 laptop. He claimed he did not understand the commands to surrender.

He pleaded guilty to two charges of possessing a bladed article and was sentenced to a year in jail.

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