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“Blue Lives Don’t Matter:” University of California students call for end to campus police


The Black Student Union held a protest at University of California, Irvine last Friday, calling for the disbanding of the UC Irvine Police Department.

Assembled in response to the university’s “New Narratives” forum where APD Chief Charlie Beck was leading a talk on police brutality and race, the BSU loudly protested on campus grounds, holding up signs with slogans such as “Blue Lives Don’t Matter” and “Police Kill the Mentally Ill.”

Chanting “Rise up, resist, put those killer cops in jail, the whole damn system is guilty as hell,” as they marched around campus, the protesters wore shirts that said “F*** the Police” and set up a petition to ban the UCI Police force.

“This protest was misguided and ignorant in every sense of the word,” Robert Petrosyan, Chairman Emeritus of the UCI College Republicans, told Campus Reform. “The Black Student Union protested an event held in response to their own concern about police brutality, and provided a real opportunity for direct dialogue with the police. However, what this event demonstrated was that dialogue was not what they wanted.”

These are “kids that are effectively feral,” author Kevin Jackson said on Fox News. “They haven’t been taught anything [but] the liberal narrative [on campus].”

“Blue lives do matter,” he said, “[police keep] regular citizens safe.”

Ironically, the “New Narratives” symposium was designed to “bring together leading scholars and innovative practitioners to define the problem, identify challenges, and discuss possible solutions to this persistent issue.“

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