A rally over the Donald Trump presidency turned violent Wednesday in Oakland, California.
NBC is reporting that 3 Oakland police officers were injured and three patrol cars were damaged.
30 people were arrested for throwing rocks, bottles, fireworks and Molotov cocktails. Local businesses were smashed up and spray-painted.
A dozen agencies from San Leandro to Solano County to the California Highway Patrol came to help out the Oakland Police Dept.
Those arrested were charged with assault, vandalism, and unlawful assembly among other things. 16 shops were vandalized and 40 fires were set in the mayhem – the local station reported.
Trump’s victory Tuesday night touched off protests around the country. The Oakland mayor pleaded with the local protesters not to resort to violence.
Police say the “Not our President” rally started off peacefully at Frank Ogawa plaza but the group of a “couple hundred” people “soon swelled into a mass of 7,000,” they said.
Many carried signs that read “Secede #Cal Exit” and “Donald Trump is a rapist.”
According to NBC, Oakland—a city of 400,000 — is often Ground Zero for protests.
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